Pathways to Leadership
The Pathways to Leadership Collaboration exists to address a number of issues in educational leadership. Primarily, we are attempting to address both the shortage and quality of candidates for formal leadership roles.
The Pathways to Leadership Collaboration exists to address a number of issues in educational leadership. Primarily, we are attempting to address both the shortage and quality of candidates for formal leadership roles. We exist to honor both the importance of quality leadership and its effect on student success. We believe we can play a role in the many stages of a leader's journey - raising up our leaders within and from the teaching ranks, encouraging the entry to leadership, honoring the complexity of leadership in education, operating with an eye to future advancement and succession planning, and finally, creating a forum where current leaders can pay it forward to the next generation. Session Topics will include: What is the Work of Leadership?; What Does the Work Look Like, Today & Tomorrow?; Who Does the Work with Me?; What are the Structures, Supports, and Resources for Getting the Work Done? Participants will receive a $500 stipend to participate. Participants must have District Administrator permission to participate. Final confirmation of registration will be sent to registrants once district approval is received.
October 24, 2022
November 2, 2022
November 19, 2022
January 10, 2023
January 24, 2023
March 9, 2023
Cost: $895 (Costs includes all sessions, materials, books and $500 stipend to the participant)
CTLE Credit: 16 hours
Location: Virtual and WSWHE BOCES Ballard Road Conference Center
Facilitators: WSWHE BOCES, SUNY Plattsburgh and CASDA