Leadership Coaching Services
CASDA’s equity-focused leadership coaching services are customized to meet the needs of school leaders. We believe that leadership coaching is a valuable form of embedded professional development.

CASDA's equity-focused coaching services are customized to meet the needs of school leaders, and are designed to support and enhance the skills of teacher leaders, curriculum supervisors, directors of special education, assistant principals, principals, school business administrators, assistant superintendents or superintendents. ​Our experts meet with new principals to discuss the challenges of leadership and share relevant experiences and effective strategies. Conducted in-person or virtually, these meetings encourage frankness and allow space for honest reflection of a leader’s strengths and weaknesses. Our Leadership Coaching can support school leaders to:
Focus on school improvement and innovation.
Develop efficient time management strategies.
Set priorities focused on student achievement.
Cultivate a professional learning culture.
Collaborate with building management teams.
Delegate responsibilities.
Deal more effectively with difficult people.
Facilitate successful meetings.
Provide walkthroughs or meaningful evaluations.
Communicate with parents and the school community.
Coaching is based on the PSEL and customized to align with the goals and values of your districts, schools and individuals.
Contact CASDA Executive Director Timothy Backus at tbackus@casdany.org to get started!