Community and Relationship Building and Conflict Resolution
Develop action plans that reflect organizational goals
and community values.

Through a partnership with Common Thread Consulting, CASDA provides member districts with Community and Relationship Building and Conflict Resolution training, coaching, and support to promote equitable policy and practice and build humanizing, affirming cultures. Guided by an intersectional approach to race, class, gender expression, sexual identity and disability status, we will work with you to develop action plans that reflect organizational goals and community values.
CASDA can work with your district to:
Raise anti-racist consciousness among staff and community members.
Develop a culturally responsive curriculum in content areas.
Train teachers in culturally responsive instructional practices.
Audit policies and practices that contribute disproportionality in achievement and disciplinary referrals.
Establish equity-focused, anti-racist parent engagement protocols.
Empower BIPOC students in the classroom and community.
To learn more, contact CASDA Executive Director Timothy Backus at today!