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Supporting Virtual Learning

Optimize Remote and Hybrid Instruction


CASDA recognizes that schools are preparing for numerous reopening scenarios that include elements of remote and blended or hybrid instruction. Our educational technology consultants can provide customized professional development that supports the specific goals outlined in your districts reopening plan.  Utilizing the National Standards for Quality Online Learning (INACOL), CASDA's technology and instructional specialists will ensure that your students receive quality instruction in any reopening scenario. 

Virtual Learning Support Can Include:

  • Google classroom training

  • Training on Flipgrid, Loom and other video platforms

  • Optimizing synchronous video instruction

  • Asynchronous lesson design

  • Tools to support students with IEPs

  • Online engagement strategies


CASDA can provide training to your staff via Google Meet and Zoom and develop customized video tutorials on remote learning practices that can be shared throughout your district. 



To learn more about our Remote Learning Services, call 518.442.5045 or email CASDA Executive Director Timothy Backus at

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